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Giorgio de Chirico
Il volto della metafisica
March 30th – July 7th September 1st
Appartamento del Doge di Palazzo Ducale

Curated by Victoria Noel-Johnson and organised in collaboration with the Giorgio and Isa de Chirico Foundation, the exhibition chronicles the long and fruitful career of one of the most
interesting and original artists in the history of twentiethcentury art. First acclaimed but later scorned by the surrealists, at all times Giorgio de Chirico followed his own personal idea of
art, inspired by the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
His style of painting was metaphysical, seeking to overcome the appearance of reality. It was also a style that reflected his fascination with the classics. The exhibition presents all the great themes of the Pictor Optimus: his metaphysical exteriors (Italy’s town squares and towers); his mannequins, his disturbing muses and his archaeologists. Also on display are examples of his still lifes – or silent lifes, as de Chirico liked to call them – horses, copies or free interpretations of great masters such as Raphael and Perugino, as well as the famous self-portraits in period clothes in the style of Rubens or Velázquez.
This is an exhibition that is also a journey, an eternally cyclical journey in search of self and beauty.

Opening time
From Tuesday to Sunday 10 am to 7:00 pm
The ticket office closes one hour before closing time


€12 standard ticket,
€10 reduced ticket
Ticket on-line
Open ticket on-line



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